Not having a long commute to and from work can save a great deal of time and money. First of all it can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure heart disease obesity a weakened immune system anxiety or even depression. Working From Home A List Of Pros As Cons Work Jokes Work Humor Working From Home You will get good and. . Not having to wake up early and commute to and from work has to be one of the top advantages. It can even reduce your daily stress levels. This is a major advantage of working from home. Saving you money - save on start-up costs as you do not need to buy or rent business premises. Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Because you manage your work hours yourself you can decide the amount of time you invest in any of the jobs you have. It helps the employees focus on the things that are urgent. Distractions - While working from home can increase productivity for some it c...